I’ve stayed to the Darkspawn, demons, and werewolf shapes because of that. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality.

Added one new hair for males of all races, based loosely on the warden's hair from the Sacred Ashes trailer. Tucked hair file - tmp7704 mod for Dragon Age: Origins. Here is a large selection of sexy armor and robes for both men and women. Sometime I like the helmets and think they look great. Dialogue Tweaks, I’ve only gone through the game using this mod (1.03 patch), so I’m assuming it fixed what it says it did. Now for those who are “Team Morrigan” the Morrigan Restoration Patch / Dialog Fixpack is well worth it. The modder also included some presets so you don’t have to know how to use the Toolset if you can’t or don’t want to. At the moment, even with the guide, I'm lost. Some hair meshes may not work in DLCs such Trespasser and Jaws of Hakkon. Been replaying Origins and had to draw my fav :) OC. Thanks to some kind soul out there, you can have this taken care of in just a few clicks – no tutorials or coding experience needed.